A trusted solution for the hospitality sector

Once again this year Daikin has been chose as a partner in a HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) project aiming at providing an efficient and reliable system to an important hotel in Munich, Germany.    

Products used: 

7x Daikin Air Handling Units (AHU) Professional Series VRV units 

About the needs in this HVAC project 

Daikin air handling unit Professional

HVAC systems for hotels are typically required to create the best possible comfort for guests with reliable and efficient technologies. And those were the main requirements for this project as well: high energy efficiency and reliability. 

Read more about HVAC systems for hotels here. 

This last aspect was not only ensured by the quality associated with the brand. The customer had total trust in Daikin for the direct experience they have had over the years using Daikin products for the same kind of application.  


The project in details 


For this hotel, 7 AHU from the Professional Series featuring counter flow heat recovery systems and pre-wired and factory-mounted control systems were installed. Other than AHUs, the HVAC system also included VRVs, to cover all the comfort cooling and heating needs of the facility – from lobbies to restaurant and the guest rooms. 

Comfort is of course among the main aspects of this kind of project. It is so important that it can define the quality of the experience offered to guests. And customer experience we know it is fundamental in the hotel industry. 

Other than comfort, indoor air quality was also a very important aspect. That is well documented by the fact that Daikin AHU Professionals are characterized by being able to provide very high standards of air filtration, ensuring the well-being of the people occupying the indoor spaces served by the unit. 

The topic of indoor air quality is becoming extremely relevant to hotels, especially during this pandemic, as businesses are getting back on track despite the difficulties COVID-19 has put in front of them. 

If you want to read more about ventilation systems and how they can help prevent the spread of Coronavirus, click here. 

And then, there was the efficiency aspect, which was perfectly met by Daikin thanks to the Eurovent-certified class A+Professional units provided. 


Are you working on a similar project and want to know about Daikin solutions for the hospitality sector? Then, get in touch with the form below. 
