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Written by guido | Aug 26, 2021 1:50:00 PM

In 2018 Daikin  started using the experience and knowledge gained since 2012 to develop R-32 technology in the residential sector. That has resulted in the extension of the use of R-32 refrigerant in the development of Applied technology as well.  

Since then, Daikin’s Bluevolution range of products, has been adding up new solutions to the product portfolio for the Applied sector, which are providing business owners with flexibility, very high energy efficiency levels, low environmental impact and quick ROI. 

In July 2018, Daikin Applied Europe entered uncharted territory, building the first large chiller using R-32 refrigerant. With the EWAT-B Series, Daikin has been offering incredibly high energy efficiency levels and low GWP. And while this product is still a landmark in today’s market for the HVAC sector, when Daikin started working on this ground-breaking development, had to face several unprecedented challenges. 

The new project required to find components that could work at their best with R-32 refrigerant. But while this might be taken for granted, this was not as easy as it might sound. 

At the time, there was no manufacturer of components for large chillers able to supply suitable parts. That required hard work, so key partners who believed in the project and were willing to get on board could be found and selected. 

As something totally new was being developed, Daikin had to make sure that the development could be sustainable, and could maintain or even increase the safety, the quality and the reliability standards associated with a well-recognized brand like Daikin.  

That experience opened the path for further developments and the introduction of new products that have been completing the Bluevolution range – from the R-32 chiller with the free cooling option, to the R-32 heat pump EWYT-B-,

the R-32 Mini Chiller and soon the new R-32 Small Inverter Chiller. The latter is soon going to be launched on the market and will allow the of R-32 products portfolio for the Applied to cover a surprisingly wide range of needs and requirements. 


Click here to learn more about the upcoming product launch. 


Pioneers in R-32 product development 


The level of knowledge and mastering achieved in developing technology featuring R-32 is not something Daikin got overnight. It is instead the result of a long and intense journey.  

In 2018, Daikin became the first company to explore uncharted territories with the introduction of the first R- 32 chiller, literally opening a new path for the sector Applied, taking great risks. But being first often results in being technological leaders. It creates an unrivalled understanding of how to use technology and meet customers’ needs and expectations with it. 

While R-32 might not be news in todays’ chillers and heat pumps market, the experience with this refrigerant makes Daikin an absolute leader in the design of products featuring R-32.  

Daikin can count on the highest number of R-32 installations around the world – more than 140 million commercial and residential products have since been installed in about 100 countries around the world. 

That not only means Daikin has the most experience using R-32 but also means Daikin is the most knowledgeable and reliable brand producing R-32 technologies. 

All the Daikin technologies featuring R-32 refrigerant, are designed, and produced, according to the well-established quality standards associated with the brand, and the widespread network of installers and after-sales support teams around the world can guarantee impeccable support thanks to a solid experience with the technology. 

Why Daikin believes in R-32 


When choosing a refrigerant, the main aspects to consider are usually safety, affordability, and environmental friendliness. It is a matter of balance between these different aspects and factors. Of course, choices might differ depending on the application, as a single perfect choice for any application simply doesn’t exist. However, the changes introduced by new international regulations have led to new developments in the world of refrigerants, which have been moving towards lower GWP refrigerants in recent years.  

Daikin, as a company who has a unique expertise coming from the manufacturing and production of both refrigerants and equipment, has identified R-32 as the most balanced in terms of Environmental Impact, Energy Efficiency, Safety – R-32 is classified as a A2L low flammable refrigerant – and Cost-Effectiveness for Air Conditioning and Heat Pump equipment. That is why Daikin believes in R-32 and keeps developing technology featuring this refrigerant. 

Opening a new path in the industry 


The sum of the above-mentioned characteristics, along with the low Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the R-32 refrigerant, and the very high levels of efficiency that Daikin can ensure with its technology, make the Bluevolution range a landmark when it comes to environmentally friendly residential air conditioning or scroll chiller and heat pump solutions.  

Today we are more than ever, the Air Conditioning sector has a crucial role. We keep increasing the amount of carbon dioxide being discharged into the atmosphere, making our world warmer, which in turn makes air conditioning even more necessary.  

While the cooling and heating needs of our world are growing, we need to find sustainable solutions that can meet those needs, contributing to mitigate Air Conditioning systems’ environmental impact. 

That is the goal Daikin had in mind while developing the products in the Bluevolution range – innovating while making efforts to solve environmental issues.  

Daikin’s R-32 products opened a new path in the industry, setting new standards and offering new solutions to the environmental challenge. 

That has encouraged Daikin to go the extra mile and make a difference also from an intellectual property perspective, enabling a total of 299 of its R-32 patents to be used free of charge without the need for prior permission or contract, all to facilitate R-32 adoption by other manufacturers as well. 

Do you want to know more about the possibilities offered by Daikin’s Bluevolution Series? Then, get in touch using the form below!