Daikin HVAC solution for a busy hotel

Daikin could support an important player in the German hospitality sector by providing its HVAC solution for a busy hotel in Essen, Germany.

It is the GHOTEL hotel & living Essen. A 174 rooms hotel with five conference rooms, a restaurant and a bar, entirely built in 2016 in the attractive holiday destination of Essen.

Comfort was an essential aspect for this project, as the hotel aims at providing guests with a modern and cozy setting as part of their experience, and HVAC technologies have an important role in this.

Products installed:

2x AHU ventilation units of the Modular R series

12x VRV

10x wall unit

175x duct unit

14x Round-flow suspended ceiling unit with self-cleaning cover

1x intelligent Touch Manager

199x cable remote control


Customer satisfaction

The GHOTEL hotel & living Essen is located in the immediate vicinity of the main train station, in the city center. It has 174 rooms and five conference facilities, a restaurant and a bar. The hotel impresses with a combination of modern, functional design and a warm, friendly atmosphere.

"The whole hotel has been designed to deliver high energy efficiency and low CO2 emissions," says Thomas Winands, Director of Operations at the GHOTEL Hotel & living. “The GHOTEL hotel & living in Essen has now been in operation for almost three years, with absolutely satisfactory energy consumption values. This has a positive effect on the environment and our wallet. Another aspect is the pleasant atmosphere that our guests can enjoy at any time of the year thanks to Daikin's air conditioning and ventilation technology”.

Read more about HVAC systems for hotels HERE.

The project

Daikin had the chance to work on a hotel project requiring a special attention to sustainability. The aim was to make the building as efficient as possible, in order to save on energy.

The design of the building, also due to the fact that the hotel is placed in a busy area, do not allow to open the windows. This makes mechanical fresh air supply via a ventilation system inevitable.

Read more about ventilation systems and their effectiveness to minimize the possibility of infection from COVID-19 HERE.

In addition, efficient cooling and heating technology with individual controls ensures flexibility in the control of temperature. Daikin has installed at the GHOTEL Hotel & living Essen 12 air-cooled heat pumps with heat recovery and two ventilation units from the Modular R series. “The decision to use these technologies was made after careful consideration of the building requirements. Daikin's solution turned out to be the most economical and functional in the long term. In addition, there was the opportunity to visit and hear from other hotel’s management and facility management department, which convinced us” says Mr Winands.

Integrated AHU and VRV system: a solution tailored to your needs

The VRV IV Heat Recovery System was installed on the ceiling and included units ranging from 22.4 to 33.5 kW able to achieve up to 4.90 COP. All the units are controlled via the Daikin intelligent Touch Manager. While the Air Handling Units, equipped with highly efficient heat exchangers and heat recovery options, are used to guarantee air exchange in the facility, extracting exhaust air and supplying an airflow of 6,000 m3 per hour of fresh air indoors.

Are you working on a similar project and wants more information on Daikin solutions for the hospitality sector? Then, get in touch with the form below.
