Daikin will support Manchester achieving their decarbonization goal

Daikin has signed a deal with the northern English city of Manchester to deploy heat pumps in some of its public buildings and act as a test bed for the technology. The agreement was announced exclusively to Reuters, and Manchester plans to become carbon neutral in 2038 – 12 years ahead of the rest of Britain. The partnership is part of a wider push by the north of England to attract investment in renewable energy and green tech.

Under the deal, Daikin will provide heat pumps and cooling systems to public buildings, including social housing, in Manchester that will be monitored and tested remotely. Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham said the partnership with Daikin symbolized the city's industrial ambitions, and installations will take place over the next two years.

In addition to the provision of heat pumps, Daikin will also establish a training program in Manchester for heating and cooling system skills that are in short supply in Britain. This program will address the skill gap in the country and equip workers with the necessary expertise to support the growth of the renewable energy sector.

But the partnership between Manchester and Daikin does not stop with the supply and installation of heat pumps. A delegation from the city recently visited Daikin Applied Europe's production site where the heat pumps that will support the decarbonization of Manchester's public building stock are produced. During the visit, the Manchester delegation was able to tour the facilities, observe production processes and quality management systems up close, and meet with the management of Daikin Applied Europe to discuss the future of the air conditioning sector and how Daikin plans to tackle it.

Daikin is committed to demonstrating and promoting technology to achieve carbon neutrality that can be deployed around the world, said Masatsugu Minaka, Chairman of the Board of Daikin Europe. The two parties' intentions were aligned, and they recognized each other as the most suitable partners, leading to the conclusion of this agreement. With the ambition around 2038, Manchester is a place that's going to move faster. In doing so, that presents opportunities to organizations like Daikin, said Mayor Burnham. Having access to that wealth of talent, I think, is a big attraction, added Jo Ahmed, a partner at accountants Deloitte and an honorary consul of Japan in Manchester.

Heat pumps, sometimes described as reverse air conditioners, are considered more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient solutions than traditional heating systems. This is because heat pumps transfer heat rather than generating it, using electricity to move thermal energy from one location to another. This process requires less energy than traditional heating methods, resulting in lower carbon emissions and reduced energy consumption.

Read more here about the impact traditional heating technologies can have on the environment

Additionally, heat pumps can work in both heating and cooling modes, providing a year-round climate control solution. By promoting the use of heat pumps, Daikin and the city of Manchester are taking a significant step towards reducing carbon emissions.

Read more here about the role of clean heating in facing the environmental issue

Daikin, on its end, is considerably increasing the effort in promoting the adoption of clean energy and achieving carbon neutrality globally. Last year’s announce about the new heat pump factory in Poland as part of Daikin expansion plans is proof of that.

Are you interested in having more information about Daikin heat pump solutions, then get in touch here!
