Daikin has recently supplied R-32 EWAT-B- chillers in a project involving an office building in Bangalore, India. The units were installed to provide the HVAC system with the necessary chilled water to meet the comfort needs of the occupants of an office building.
Products Installed
3x EWAT-B-
Total cooling capacity: 650 kW
About the products and the project
The three R-32 chillers by Daikin have been recently installed to provide chilled water to air handling units (AHU) installed in the Air Conditioning system.
The EWAT-B Series have been chosen to meet the sustainability goals set for the building. That means low GWP and high energy efficiency – then low direct and indirect CO2 emissions of the HVAC system – were the main reason for this choice.
More about the product installed
The R-32 chiller Series has been launched by Daikin to show the entire sector a path towards sustainability, reducing chillers environmental impact by 68% compared to chillers using R-410A.
Other than featuring low GWP and being highly energy efficient by design, the units installed also feature Dynamic Condensing Pressure Management, which allow the chiller controller to adjust the condensing pressure set point, minimizing the overall chiller power input. That not only will ensures low operating costs, but will also help saving on energy and resources; and will ensure outstanding durability.
Read more here about Daikin leadership in R-32 technology development
Besides that, the whole installation was designed to optimize energy use in the building. In this context the role of the Daikin iCM controller, with superior control logic and connectivity to the Daikin cloud monitoring platform Daikin on Site, was extremely important, as it allows to monitor performance, take actions constantly getting the best energy efficiency levels, and schedule preventive maintenance to ensure absolute reliability.
Read more here about Daikin control solution possibilities
Low noise, then, was another relevant aspect in this project, to ensure that occupants in the office building have the best possible environment around them. In this case, it was requested to have the possibility to further reduce the default noise threshold by setting time bands when building managers can reduce fan rotation speed.
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