The witness test service by Daikin

Daikin HVAC Products & Systems

The witness test is often an important part of many big HVAC projects.

Customers need to make sure the chillers they will install will be able to meet their needs in terms of performance at the ambient temperatures the units will have to operate in. This is crucial for customers, as any mistake in the choice of the right unit for the project could lead to long delays on the project or even to costly reworks.

Daikin, as a leading manufacturer of Air Conditioning equipment for both the residential and the commercial sectors, has worked hard in the recent years to make sure facilities and services could match the standards set by the products and the brand.

The recently built Climatic Chamber at Daikin Applied Europe – Daikin’s European Headquarter for the development and the manufacturing of the Air Conditioning technologies for the commercial sectors – is an evidence if that. It is the result of a strong commitment from Daikin to fully satisfy clients with the witness test service, which allows customers and consultants to appreciate products performance before delivery.


Advanced technology offers a full set of possibilities

The factory test complies with the Eurovent certification and there are not many facilities of this level in Europe” said consultants for the Buchanan Wharf project.

In fact, this Climatic Chamber allows to test chillers and other cooling or heating technologies to a variety of standards, and stands out for a design that reflects the huge commitment of Daikin to environmental aspects – reducing energy waste to a minimum and making the most of heat recovery from units during test.

The facility is AHRI (Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute) and Eurovent approved, and has been independently verified and accredited to test to EN 14511:2013, ISO 9614:2009 and other major recognised European and American HVACR industry standards.

Thanks to this Climatic Chamber and the cutting-edge technology it is equipped with, Daikin Applied Europe can offer the highest standard of factory witness test for chiller units sized up to 2000 kW air-cooled (i.e. big 30 fans units) or water-cooled chillers, as well as heat pumps (air to water and water to water), free cooling, and also 4 and 6 pipes units, allowing to simulate even the toughest design conditions.

In fact, thanks to the chamber, the performances and functionalities of the chillers can be tested and compared to expected data, simulating winter seasons down to - 18 C° or Middle East hot temperatures up to 52 C°.

But the possibilities Daikin offers do not stop with the climatic chamber. Daikin Applied Europe also offers the possibility to test water-cooled chiller units up to 11.5 MW with the most advanced testing technology. The largest capacity test stand is also AHRI-approved.

Click here to read about big centrifugal chillers tested for a project requiring 40MW of cooling capacity.  

Daikin has worked hard to provide a unique experience to the customers using the Daikin Applied Europe witness test service. That is possible thanks to the the state-of-the-art labs and measuring instrumentations, which not only allow tracking performance data but also allow measuring the sound power emission of chillers directly inside the climatic chamber at controlled ambient conditions, using the latest and the most stringent standards in the acoustic field. ISO 3744 sound pressure or ISO9614 for sound intensity measurements.

All the measured data, then, are visualized in real time on dedicated flat screens or in dedicated live streaming sessions which allow witness testing from remote.

Units are visible thanks to webcams installed around the machine or, when the customer can visit Daikin Applied Europe premises, directly through a window installed between a lounge area and the test room.

The remote witness test

Covid-19 has made all familiar with the concept of remote working. The restrictive measures on social and economic activities imposed by governments across the world to control the spread of Coronavirus, have in many cases led us to a heavier use of digital tools to carry activities while respecting social distancing.

With the pandemic situation, Daikin Applied Europe had to adapt, and continued offering the witness test service allowing customers and consultants to participate from remote.

Since the start of the travel restrictions and the distancing measures imposed by governments in Europe, Daikin Applied Europe has reorganized the witness test experience taking it in a digital environment able to meet the needs of the clients, who can easily watch the tests requested from the comfort of their homes or offices.

Are you interested in the witness service and want to get more information about the topic? Then, get in touch using the form below.
